Projects and programmes in partner countries

SECO addresses needs and challenges in selected partner countries. SECO has a thematic expertise in economic affairs and hence focuses on countries, where its projects, its knowledge and its network have the highest added value. It therefore concentrates on a limited number of countries in Africa, Latin America, South-East Asia and transition countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia that face poverty and economic development issues.

In addition to its involvement in priority countries, SECO maintains a limited global portfolio. It mobilises its thematic areas of expertise based on demand and as a complement to activities of other federal agencies, specifically the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC).

Information on all projects undertaken by SECO as part of development cooperation, transition cooperation and EU enlargement contribution is available on a database managed by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.

Economic development cooperation in the South

In the context of development cooperation, SECO focusses on economically advanced developing countries in Africa, South-East Asia and Latin America. These countries play a key role in the economic development and political stability of their region and are relevant for Switzerland’s foreign (economic) policy. SECO’s priority countries are Colombia, Egypt, Ghana, Indonesia, Peru, South Africa, Tunisia and Vietnam.

Transition cooperation in the East (priority countries)

Swiss cooperation with Eastern Europe supports the Western Balkans and countries of the former Soviet Union in their transition to a social market economy and democracy. SECO and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) engage jointly in order to help to restore stability in these states and improve the opportunities available to the people. SECO’s interventions focus on Albania, Kyrgyzstan, Serbia, Tajikistan and Ukraine.

Transition cooperation in the East (countries with complementary measures)

In Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Uzbekistan, SECO complements SDC’s portfolio with a small and focused portfolio.

Switzerland's contribution to the enlarged EU

SECO and SDC jointly implement the enlargement contribution as part of Switzerland's EU policy, which supports thirteen Central and Eastern European EU member states. Projects have been successfully completed in twelve countries, in Croatia they run until 2024. A possible second contribution would support the same thirteen countries.

Last modification 08.11.2022

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