SECO’s objectives

SECO’s economic development cooperation aims to promote economic growth and sustainable prosperity in its partner countries.

Based on Switzerland’s international cooperation strategy, the goal of SECO’s economic development cooperation is to promote economic growth and sustainable prosperity. SECO’s economic and trade policy expertise enables partner countries to shape structural transformation, develop their private sector and integrate into the global economy.

A woman cuts the threads off newly manufactured trousers.
As part of the GTEX programme (here a factory in Tajikistan), SECO helps companies in the textile and clothing industry to expand capacities to meet market requirements and join diversified markets.

Specifically, SECO supports the creation of reliable economic framework conditions and innovative private-sector initiatives in its partner countries. This gives people and companies access to markets and opportunities, creates employment opportunities and offers future perspectives locally. In order to achieve these goals, SECO will focus on eight business lines:

  • Growth-promoting economic policy
  • Rules-based trade system
  • Innovation-friendly business environment
  • Urban development and infrastructure services
  • Access to financing
  • Integration in value chains
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Market-oriented skills

Sustainable and effective action

SECO’s activities focus on the long term. Gender equality as well as climate and resource efficiency are systematically considered.

Successfully overcoming global challenges requires strong partnerships. A coordinated process and a division of labour based on the core competencies of respective partners are required in order to guarantee the efficiency and effectiveness of collective action. SECO thus strives to strengthen its partnerships with civil society, the private sector, multilateral actors and universities.

Within the Federal Administration, SECO strategically coordinates its activities with those of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Peace and Human Rights Division (PHRD) of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and acts operationally complementary to these.

Last modification 05.03.2021

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