The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) was founded in 2015 as an initiative by the People's Republic of China. Its goal is to improve social and economic outcomes in Asia, specifically through investing in sustainable infrastructure projects.
Switzerland joined the AIIB in early 2016 and is represented by a Director in the Board of Directors.
Role and activities of the AIIB
The AIIB has 92 member countries (47 regional and 45 non-regional states) and 14 prospective member countries.
The AIIB’s activities focus on sustainable infrastructure projects in transportation, energy and water supply, as well as on urban development and digitalisation. It uses its own resources as well as mobilises public capital and private investments. The AIIB grants loans, issues guarantees and invests in equity capital.
Switzerland and the AIIB
Switzerland submitted its ratification document on 25 April 2016, thereby formally completing its membership of the AIIB. This membership is consistent with Swiss development and foreign economic policy. The AIIB meets all of the conditions for becoming a key player among the multilateral development banks. In Asia it can make a substantial contribution to overcoming the serious lack of infrastructure, promoting sustainable economic growth and fighting poverty. Moreover, Switzerland’s membership will strengthen its relationship with China and the entire region, offering Swiss entrepreneurs new opportunities to expand their business networks in the region.
Switzerland shares a constituency with Denmark, Hungary, Iceland, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The constituency is currently represented by a Swiss Director and Alternate Directors from the United Kingdom and Iceland.